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1. **精心摆放**:将供品摆放整齐,可以使用漂亮的器皿或托盘,让每样食物都有其专属的位置。

2. **多样化颜色**:选择不同颜色的食物,创造出视觉上的多样性和丰富度。

3. **装饰绿色植物**:在供品周围或旁边摆放一些鲜花或绿色植物,增添生气和美感。

4. **用花瓣点缀**:在供品上撒上一些花瓣或花朵,营造出优雅的氛围。

5. **精美的香炉和烛台**:搭配精美的香炉和烛台,增添神圣感和光影效果。

6. **清洁整理**:保持供品周围的整洁,定期清理和更换食物,确保它们保持新鲜和美观。

7. **祈祷和虔诚**:在供奉时,怀着虔诚的心情祈祷,这样会为供奉增添一份特别的意义和美感。


When consecrate Bodhisattva, alimental is put and decorate the means that can be respect of a kind of expression and devoir. You can try the following method to make the offerings of Bodhisattva looks more beautiful:

1.** puts ** meticulously: Put offerings orderly, can use beautiful household utensils or tray, let each food have its exclusive place.

2.** of ** diversification color: Choose the food of different color, the diversity that creates a vision to go up and rich degree.

3.** decorates greenery ** : Be all round offerings or on the side put a few flowers or greenery, add life and aesthetic feeling.

4.** adorns ** with leaf: On a few leaf or flower are scattered on offerings, build the atmosphere that gives grace.

5.The censer with elegant ** and candlestick ** : Tie-in and elegant censer and candlestick, add divine feeling and smooth shadow effect.

6.** cleanness arranges ** : Hold offerings all round neat, clear regularly and change food, ensure they keep fresh and beautiful.

7.** prays and devotional ** : When consecrate, cherish devotional mood to pray, such meetings add a special significance and aesthetic feeling for consecrate.
