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1. 祭祀仪式:人们会组织祭祀仪式,向旱魃神祈求雨水,以解除旱灾。这种仪式通常包括燃香、祈祷、献祭等环节,以示诚心。

2. 建立神龛或神坛:人们会在特定地点建立供奉旱魃神的神龛或神坛,用于日常祭祀和祈求雨水。这些神龛或神坛通常会摆放香炉、祭品、神像等物品。

3. 供奉神像或图腾:人们会制作旱魃神的神像或图腾,并放置在神龛、神坛或特定的场所,以示敬意和供奉。

4. 举办祭祀活动:一些地方会举办规模较大的祭祀活动,如庙会、祈雨仪式等,邀请社区居民共同参与,共同祈求雨水丰收。



God of Ba of archaic consecrate drought means has a lot of kinds, generally speaking, people can be mixed according to the district culture at that time religious belief will undertake consecrate. A few familiar pattern include:

1.Sacred ceremony: People can organize sacred ceremony, petition to drought Ba god rainwater, in order to remove drought. This kind of ceremony includes to light normally sweet, pray, sacrificial wait for link, in order to show sincere desire.

2.Build shrine or altar: People can build the shrine of god of consecrate drought Ba or altar in specific dot, use at daily and sacred with invocatory rainwater. These shrine or altar can put the censer, oblation, goods such as God normally.

3.Consecrate God or totem: People can make the God of drought Ba god or totem, place in shrine, altar or specific place, in order to show devoir and consecrate.

4.Conduct sacred activity: A few places can conduct the sacred activity with larger scale, wait like ceremony of rain of temple fair, pray, invite community dweller to be participated in jointly, bumper harvest of collective and invocatory rainwater.

These means reflected ancient time people is magical to drought Ba awe-stricken the sincere desire with invocatory rainwater, it is a kind of way that they answer natural disaster.
