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1. 清洁:用清水和柔软的布轻轻擦拭佛像,以除去尘埃。

2. 准备供品:将供品摆放在佛像前,可以用花朵、水果或其他素食。点燃香和烛。

3. 默念祈愿:闭上眼睛,静心默念你的祈愿或感恩之情。可以是对佛菩萨的感恩、对家人健康幸福的祝福,或者是对自己内心平和与智慧的期许。

4. 点香:将香点燃,向佛像敬献,表示虔诚的心意。

5. 点烛:点燃蜡烛,向佛像敬献,代表照亮心灵的愿望。

6. 祈祷:可以用手合十,闭目默念祈祷或诵经。

7. 表达敬意:向佛像鞠躬,表示尊敬和谦卑之心。

8. 结束仪式:结束供奉后,保持心中的平静和祥和,感受佛菩萨的庇佑和智慧。



Consecrate figure of Buddha needs work of a few preparation and special ceremony. Above all, choose a kosher place to place figure of Buddha, had better be to stand by wall and avoid to get point-blank sunshine. Next, plan a few offerings, if those who ignite is clear water, flower, fruit, sweet,mix candle. Next, undertake consecrate according to the following measure:

1.Clean: Wipe figure of Buddha gently with clear water and soft cloth, with eliminate dust.

2.Plan offerings: Put offerings before figure of Buddha, can use flower, fruit or other and maigre. Ignite sweet with candle.

3.Silent reads aloud invocatory: Close an eye, jing Xinmo reads aloud you invocatory or the affection that be thankful. Can be pair of Buddha Bodhisattva be thankful, happy to family health blessing, gentle to him heart perhaps with wisdom period make.

4.The dot is sweet: Will sweet ignite, to Jing Xian of figure of Buddha, show devotional regard.

5.The dot illuminates: Ignite the candle, to Jing Xian of figure of Buddha, the delegate enlightens interior desire.

6.Pray: Can use hand put the palms together, the silent that close eye reads aloud pray or Song classics.

7.Expressive devoir: Bow to figure of Buddha, represent respect and abasement heart.

8.End a ceremony: After ending consecrate, the calm in maintaining a heart and auspicious, feel Buddha a term applied to a kindhearted person bless and wisdom.

These measure can undertake adjust and be modificationed according to the individual's belief and tradition, the most important is to use come with devoir piously consecrate figure of Buddha.
