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1. 准备祭品:可以准备一些食物、酒水、鲜花、香烛等作为祭品。这些祭品应该是新鲜的,并且应该尊重兵马俑的历史背景和文化价值。

2. 设立祭坛:在供奉兵马俑的地方设立一个简单的祭坛或祭台。可以使用一些简单的布置,如红色的布料、花环等来装饰祭坛,以示尊敬。

3. 诚心祭拜:在供奉兵马俑的时候,要心存敬意,虔诚地向其祈祷。可以手持香烛,闭目默祷,表达对兵马俑的尊重和敬意。

4. 祭祀仪式:可以按照传统的方式进行祭祀仪式,如点燃香烛、献上祭品、诵读祈祷文等。在祭祀仪式中,要恭敬而虔诚地行事,表达对兵马俑的崇敬之情。

5. 虔诚祈祷:在祭祀完毕后,可以诚心地向兵马俑祈祷,祈求它保佑家人平安、健康、幸福。



The consecrate of military forces tomb figure needs certain ceremony and ceremony. Normally, the means of tomb figure of consecrate military forces includes the following measure:

1.Plan sacrificial offerings: Can prepare water of a few food, wine, flower, joss sticks and candles to wait as oblation. These oblation should be fresh, and should respect the historical setting of military forces tomb figure and culture value.

2.Establish altar: A simple altar or desk of hold a memorial ceremony for are established in the place of tomb figure of consecrate military forces. Can use a few decorate simply, wait like gules cloth, anadem will decorate altar, in order to show respect.

3.Sincere hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: In tomb figure of consecrate military forces when, want a heart to retain respect, pray to its piously. Can hold joss sticks and candles, shut eye contemplation, express the esteem of pair of military forces tomb figure and respect.

4.Sacred ceremony: Can undertake sacred ceremony according to traditional pattern, if ignite joss sticks and candles, display on prayer of pray of oblation, chant. In sacred ceremony, want respect and piously act, express the esteem feeling of pair of military forces tomb figure.

5.Pray piously: Be in sacred after ending, OK and sincere ground prays to military forces tomb figure, invocatory it blesses family restful, healthy, happy.

As a whole, tomb figure of consecrate military forces needs to respect its history and culture value, undertake with devotional state of mind hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to, expression is mixed to his devoir pray.
