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1. **挂饰物**: 在槐树上悬挂红色、金色的饰品,如红色灯笼、金铃铛或金色丝带,以增加节日气氛和吸引注意力。

2. **悬挂财神**: 在槐树上放置财神像或财神画像,以示对财富和好运的祈求。可以选择彩色或金色的财神像,使其更加突出。

3. **贴对联**: 在槐树旁张贴写有吉祥话语的对联,如“财源广进”、“福禄寿喜”等,以增加节日气氛和祈福效果。

4. **摆放金元宝**: 在槐树下摆放金色的元宝或金币装饰,象征着财富滚滚而来,增加财神供奉的喜庆氛围。

5. **点燃香烛**: 在槐树下点燃红色或金色的香烛,以表达对财神的尊敬和祈愿,同时也为整体布置增添光彩。



The pagoda tree is a kind commonly used come the tree of consecrate mammon, you can pass the following method to make its look more good-looking:

1.** hangs decorations ** : Pensile on the pagoda tree red, aureate act the role of article, clank like gules lantern, Jin Ling or aureate and lacy, with adding a red-letter day atmosphere is mixed draw attention.

2.** of ** pensile mammon: Money God or mammon draw a portrait are placed on the pagoda tree, petition in order to show to what fortune become reconciled carries. Can choose color or golden money statue of a god, make its more outstanding.

3.** sticks couplet ** : Beside the pagoda tree paste writes the couplet that has lucky speech, be like " fund is wide into " , " Fu Lushou is fond of " etc, in order to increase festal atmosphere and pray blessing result.

4.** puts ** of gold dollar treasure: Aureate a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China or gold coin adornment are put below the pagoda tree, indicative fortune billow and come, add the festive atmosphere of mammon consecrate.

5.** ignites ** of joss sticks and candles: Red or aureate joss sticks and candles are ignited below the pagoda tree, mix in order to convey to the respect of mammon invocatory, also decorate for whole at the same time add luster.

Carry above kind, the consecrate mammon that can let a pagoda tree is more good-looking, also have festal atmosphere and festival feeling more.

下一篇:正月 财神到家怎么供奉英文双语对照