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1. 选择门神:可以选择传统的门神图案或者是现代设计的门神图片。门神一般有关帝、哪吒等神明形象,也可以选择符合自己信仰的神灵。

2. 准备供品:常见的供品包括水果、糖果、鲜花、香烛等,用来表示诚心和敬意。也可以准备一些财神符、福字贴等物品。

3. 准备供桌:选择一个整洁清净的地方,摆放供桌。可以在供桌上铺上红布或者黄布,代表喜庆和吉祥。

4. 摆放门神:将选好的门神图片或者物品放在供桌上,摆放整齐。

5. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,表示对神灵的敬意和祈祷。可以同时念诵祈福文或者祈祷词。

6. 敬拜祈祷:在心诚意正的状态下,向门神祈祷,表达自己的愿望和祈求。

7. 定期祭祀:可以选择每个月的特定日期或者每年的特定节日进行祭祀,以示对门神的尊敬和感恩。



The means of building door-god consecrate has a lot of kinds, can undertake according to the following measure normally:

1.Choose door-god: The door-god design that can choose a tradition is contemporary perhaps the door-god picture of the design. Door-god concerns the deities figure such as Zha of the Supreme Being, where commonly, also can choose to accord with oneself devotional deities.

2.Plan offerings: Common offerings includes fruit, candied, flower, joss sticks and candles to wait, with will show sincere desire and respect. Also can prepare the article such as copybook of accord with of a few mammon, blessing.

3.Prepare altar: Choose a neat and kosher place, put credence. Can go up in altar upper berth red cloth is yellow perhaps cloth, represent festival He Jixiang.

4.Put door-god: The door-god picture that will chosen or article is put on altar, put orderly.

5.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, the respect that shows pair of deities and pray. Can recite pray blessing article to perhaps pray at the same time word.

6.Jing Baiqi asks earnestly: In heart sincerity below condition, pray to door-god, the desire that expresses oneself and invocatory.

7.Fixed and sacred: The specific festival with the specific annual perhaps date that can choose every month undertakes sacred, face each other is respected magically and be thankful in order to show.

Above is the measure of door-god of general consecrate building, specific and OK undertake adjustment according to the individual's belief and habit.

上一篇:正月 财神到家怎么供奉英文双语对照