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1. **准备香炉**: 确保香炉干净,并放置在供桌或供奉物品的附近。
2. **点燃香炉**: 使用火柴或打火机点燃香炉中的香炭或香灰。
3. **选取香**: 从供桌上或供奉处选择一根香,通常是细长的香。
4. **点燃香**: 将香的一端点燃,然后用手或鼓风筒让火变稳定,待香烟开始升起。
5. **上香**: 双手合十,向供奉的人鞠躬,然后将香拿在右手,以拇指和食指捏住香的一段,左手托住香的另一端。将香逆时针方向围绕供奉的人身体上下摇动三次,表示尊敬和祈福。
6. **安放香**: 将香插入香炉中的香灰或香炭,使其直立燃烧。
7. **祈祷**: 在上香之后,可以默默或大声祈祷,表达心中的愿望和敬意。
8. **结束**: 等待香烟缓缓上升,表示香已经点燃。结束时,可以再次向供奉的人鞠躬,然后离开仪式现场。



The person that gives consecrate goes up sweet it is a grave ceremony normally, the move that has a few traditions can abide by:

1.** prepares censer ** : Ensure censer is clean, place in altar or consecrate article around.
2.** ignites censer ** : Use match or lighter ignite the sweet charcoal in censer or sweet ash.
3.** chooses sweet ** : Go up from altar or consecrate place chooses sweet, be slightness normally is sweet.
4.** ignites sweet ** : Will sweet one aspect of the matter is ignited, let fire become stable with hand or blast canister next, wait for cigarette to begin to rise.
5.On ** sweet ** : Both hands put the palms together, bow to the person of consecrate, next will sweet take in the right hand, hold a sweet paragraph with big toe and forefinger, left hand holds sweet other one aspect of the matter in the palm. Will popular anticlockwise way the person body fluctuating around consecrate 3, show respect and pray good fortune.
6.** puts sweet ** : Will sweet the sweet ash in inserting censer or sweet charcoal, make its erect combustion.
7.** prays ** : Going up sweet later, OK and silent or pray aloud, express the desire in the heart and respect.
8.** ends ** : Await cigarette slowly rise, express sweet had ignited. When the end, can bow to the person of consecrate again, leave ceremonial scene next.

This is a kind go up commonly sweet ceremony, but concrete step may be mixed because of district religion is devotional and differ somewhat.
