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1. **方位选择**:根据风水或个人信仰,选择合适的方位摆放。例如,一般认为向东方摆放可以带来好运。

2. **高低错落**:如果有多个摆件,可以考虑高低错落地摆放,使整体布局更加有层次感。

3. **主次分明**:如果有多个供奉摆件,可以考虑把主要的或者最重要的摆件放在最显眼的位置,其他的摆件则围绕着主要的摆件摆放。

4. **与环境协调**:摆件的颜色、形状和材质要与周围的环境协调,避免与整体装饰不搭调。

5. **尊重传统**:如果摆件有特定的象征意义或文化背景,可以尊重其传统摆放方式,如向佛像供奉摆件应摆放在佛像前。



Alluvial gold consecrate is placed put should be decided according to actual condition and individual be fond of. Normally, can consider the following:

1.** azimuth chooses ** : Basis geomantic or the individual is devotional, choose proper direction to put. For example, it is OK to think to be put eastwards commonly bring lucky.

2.** discretion is strewn at random ** : If many is place, can consider on any account to be put strewn at randomly, make integral layout has administrative levels feeling more.

3.** primary and secondary is trenchant ** : If many consecrate are placed, can consider main the most important perhaps place put in the most conspicuous position, place otherly criterion around the move is main place put.

4.** and environment coordinate ** : Place color, appearance and material want to be coordinated with the environment all round character, avoid not to take tone with integral adornment.

5.** respects traditional ** : If place have specific symbolic significance or culture background, can respect its tradition to put way, if be placed to consecrate of figure of Buddha should put before figure of Buddha.

Anyhow, put alluvial gold consecrate to place should considerate, respect individual belief and tradition, with whole at the same time the environment is coordinated.
