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1. 准备供品:可以选择水果、鲜花、香烛、茶叶等作为供品,也可以根据神仙的特性和喜好选择相应的供品。

2. 设立神龛:在家中或者特定的地点设立神龛,用来供奉神仙。神龛可以是一个小型的架子或者柜子,上面摆放着神像或者神仙的画像。

3. 点燃香烛:在供奉的时候点燃香烛,代表虔诚的心意和尊敬。

4. 祈祷礼拜:在供奉的时候可以诚心祈祷,表达对神仙的尊敬和信仰。

5. 定期祭祀:根据自己的信仰习惯,可以选择每天、每周或者每月定期进行祭祀。



The immortal consecrate means of Taoist school is varied, include the following measure commonly:

1.Plan offerings: Can choose fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, tea to wait as offerings, also can choose corresponding offerings according to the immortal's character and be fond of.

2.Establish shrine: Specific perhaps in the home place establishs shrine, use consecrate immortal. Shrine can be frame of a diminutive or cabinet, there is God above or the immortal's picture.

3.Ignite joss sticks and candles: In consecrate when ignite joss sticks and candles, represent religious purpose and respect.

4.Pray week: In consecrate when can pray in earnest, express the respect to the immortal and belief.

5.Fixed and sacred: According to oneself devotional habit, can choose everyday, perhaps undertake every months regularly every week sacred.

As a whole, consecrate immortal is a kind of devotional devotional behavior, can select right kind according to the individual's be fond of and belief.
