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1. **了解罗汉**:首先,你需要了解罗汉的形象和寓意。在佛教中,罗汉是指已经修行成就的僧人,具有慈悲智慧的化身。他们的形象通常是和尚的打扮,但是有各种不同的表情和姿势。

2. **准备供品**:在供奉五百罗汉时,你可以准备一些供品,如鲜花、香烛、水果等。这些供品代表着虔诚和敬意,用于向罗汉表达敬意和供养。

3. **选择罗汉**:在灵隐寺的五百罗汉中,每尊罗汉都有其特定的名称和寓意。你可以选择你想要供奉的罗汉,或者可以依次供奉每一尊。

4. **进行供奉**:当你准备好供品并选择了要供奉的罗汉后,你可以站在罗汉前,合上双手,闭目默念心中的祈愿或诵经。然后将供品摆放在供桌前,向罗汉行三鞠躬礼,表示虔诚和敬意。

5. **持续供养**:供奉五百罗汉并不是一次性的事情,你可以定期前来供养,表达你对佛法的信仰和敬意,同时也可以借此修行自己的心灵。



The 500 arhat of clever concealed temple are the form of a kind of consecrate in Buddhist temple, it is normally with waxwork or lapidarian form appears. 500 arhat can pass consecrate the following measure:

1.** understands arhat ** : Above all, you need to understand the figure of arhat and implied meaning. In buddhism, arhat is to point to already the monk that cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine accomplishs, those who have compassionate wisdom is reincarnate. Their figure is bonze normally dress up, but the expression that has all sorts of differring and pose.

2.** prepares offerings ** : In consecrate when 500 arhat, you can plan a few offerings, wait like flower, joss sticks and candles, fruit. The delegate wears these offerings to be mixed piously devoir, use at be being conveyed to arhat devoir and make offerings to.

3.** chooses arhat ** : In the 500 arhat of clever concealed temple, every honour arhat has its specific name and implied meaning. You can choose you to want the arhat of consecrate, OK perhaps and ordinal consecrate each honour.

4.** undertakes consecrate ** : After prepare offerings when you and choosing to want the arhat of consecrate, you can stand before arhat, add up to both hands, in shutting eye silent to read aloud a heart invocatory or Song classics. Put offerings next before altar, go to arhat 3 bow ceremony, express to be mixed piously devoir.

5.** makes offerings to continuously ** : Consecrate 500 arhat are not one-time thing, you can come round to make offerings to regularly, express your belief to power of Buddha and respect, the heart that also can lend this him cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine at the same time.

Consecrate 500 arhat are a kind of devotional behavior, pass such consecrate, you can feel the force of power of Buddha and pity, also can purify oneself heart at the same time.
