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Datangka needs a few special measure and note when consecrate. Above all, want to choose a kosher place, had better be to leave rubbish and sundry place. Next, prepare a clean table or antependium, can place Tang Ka. Before consecrate, with clear water and cleaner cleanness desktop, ensure it is clean. Next, wash clean both hands with clear water, in order to show respect.

When you get ready, put Datangka gently on the table, ensure it is revealed by appropriate. You can be ignited a few sweet perhaps fume sweet will purify air, add a few solemn mood for consecrate. When consecrate, you are OK silent reads aloud or chant a few lection, express the devoir of the power of Buddha that represents to Tang Ka and belief.

After consecrate ends, you can join a strike with the palm of the hand gently, express gratitude to Tang Ka, of invocatory power of Buddha add hold and bless. During consecrate, what maintain the spirit as far as possible is halcyon and dedicated, so that join with photograph of power of Buddha. Finally, when you feel consecrate ends, removed Tang Ka gently, clear next the place of consecrate, in order to have next time consecrate is used.
