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1. 准备木剑:确保木剑整洁,并尽可能保持其原始状态,以便作为供奉物品。
2. 准备供品:可以选择一些烛台、鲜花、香炉等供品,用于表达敬意和祝福。
3. 选择场所:选择一个安静祥和的场所进行供奉,可以是家中的神龛、庭院,或者是寺庙或道观等宗教场所。
4. 诚心祈祷:站在供奉木剑的面前,闭上眼睛,默默地表达你的祈愿和祝福,向木剑寄予你的心意。
5. 点燃香火:点燃香炉中的香火,象征着祝福与祈愿被传达到更高层次。
6. 敬献供品:将准备好的供品摆放在木剑旁边,表达对它的尊敬和敬意。
7. 祈祷感恩:结束供奉仪式后,再次表达感恩之情,感谢木剑的存在和祝福。



Consecrate backsword involves the following step normally to others:

1.Prepare Mu Jian: Ensure Mu Jian is neat, maintain its savagery as far as possible, so that regard consecrate as article.
2.Plan offerings: Can choose the offerings such as a few candlestick, flower, censer, use at conveying devoir and blessing.
3.Select a site: Choose a quiet and auspicious place to undertake consecrate, can be a medium shrine, court, or the religious place such as cloister or path view.
4.Sincere desire prays: Stand in consecrate backsword before, close an eye, what convey you silently is invocatory with the blessing, xiang Mujian shows your regard.
5.Ignite burning incense: Ignite the burning incense in censer, indicative blessing and invocatory be communicated to higher administrative levels.
6.Jing Xian offerings: Put ready offerings by Mu Jian, express the respect to it and respect.
7.Pray be thankful: After ending consecrate ceremony, express the feeling that be thankful again, thank Mu Jian's existence and blessing.

Adopt these measure, you are OK to others consecrate backsword, convey your devoir and blessing.
