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1. 准备:选择一个适当的位置供奉佛像,通常是在家中的一间清净的房间或特定的供奉区域。清洁该区域,并确保它保持整洁和清静。

2. 选择佛像:选择一尊合适的佛像,可以是释迦牟尼佛、观音菩萨、文殊菩萨等。佛像的大小和形式可以根据个人喜好和空间来选择。

3. 安置佛像:将佛像放置在供奉区域中心的高处,可以放在供桌上或者专门的佛龛里。佛像应该面向房间的正中央,以示尊重和敬仰。

4. 点燃香烛:在供奉佛像时,通常点燃香烛,表示虔诚和敬意。可以选择香烛,根据个人喜好或传统,可以使用沉香、檀香等。

5. 上香礼拜:在点燃香烛后,可以合十双手,虔诚地向佛像行三鞠躬,表示敬意和谦卑。在鞠躬时,可以默念心中的祈愿或念诵佛号。

6. 常修功德:供奉佛像不仅是一种仪式,更重要的是要通过修行和行善来实践佛法教义,积累功德,使供奉佛像成为生活中的一种指引和激励。



The means of consecrate figure of Buddha includes the following measure normally:

1.Preparation: Choose a proper positional consecrate figure of Buddha, it is a in the home kosher room or specific consecrate area normally. Clean this area, ensure it keeps neat and quiet.

2.Choose figure of Buddha: Choose one honour appropriate figure of Buddha, can be Bodhisattva of Sakyamuni Buddha, avalokitesvara, Wen Shu Bodhisattva. The size of figure of Buddha and form can choose according to individual be fond of and space.

3.Find a place for figure of Buddha: Set figure of Buddha the high that is in consecrate area center, can put in the special perhaps niche for a statue of Buddha on altar. Figure of Buddha should face the midpoint of the room, be respected in order to show and revere.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: When consecrate figure of Buddha, ignite joss sticks and candles normally, express to be mixed piously devoir. Can choose joss sticks and candles, according to individual be fond of or tradition, can use agalloch eaglewood, the pride of China to wait.

5.Go up popular religious service: After igniting joss sticks and candles, can both hands of put the palms together, go to figure of Buddha piously 3 bow, express low of devoir He Qian. When bow, can silent reads aloud a heart medium invocatory or recite Buddha number.

6.Often write works: Consecrate figure of Buddha is a kind of ceremony not only, more important is to want to carry out doctrine of power of Buddha through cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine and do good works, accumulate merits and virtues, one of making consecrate figure of Buddha makes the living how-to with drive.

Above is the common step of consecrate figure of Buddha, particular way can undertake adjust and complementing according to the individual's belief and tradition.
