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1. **选择财神像**:可以是传统的财神爷像或者其他象征财富和好运的神像。

2. **准备供品**:供品通常包括水果、鲜花、香烛、酒水、糖果等,以及红色的布匹。

3. **准备祭坛**:在一个安静的地方设置一个祭坛,放置财神像,并摆放好供品。

4. **祈祷**:向财神像祈祷,表达对财富和好运的愿望,可以说出口的祈祷词或默默祈祷。

5. **燃香烛**:点燃香烛,表示虔诚地供奉。

6. **敬拜**:向财神像鞠躬,表示尊敬和诚意。

7. **祭奠**:将供品摆放在财神像前,表示敬意和供养。

8. **诚心祈愿**:在心中默默地祈愿,希望财神能够保佑自己和家人财运亨通、事业顺利。



Mammon consecrate is a traditional custom, include the following measure normally:

1.** chooses money God ** : Can be the God that traditional mammon father resembles or become reconciled of other and indicative fortune carries.

2.** prepares offerings ** : Offerings includes water of fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, wine, candy to wait normally, and gules cloth.

3.** prepares altar ** : Quiet in place installs an altar, place money God, put good offerings.

4.** prays ** : Pray to money God, express pair of fortune and lucky desire, can speak a mouth pray word or pray silently.

5.** lights ** of joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, express piously consecrate.

6.** of ** Jing Bai: Bow to money God, show respect and good faith.

7.** of ** hold a memorial ceremony for: Put offerings before mammon resembles, state devoir is mixed make offerings to.

8.** sincere desire is invocatory ** : Silently invocatory, hope mammon can bless oneself and be prosperous of family wealth carry, career successful.

The specific details of mammon consecrate can be mixed because of the area the individual is devotional and differ somewhat, but above measure is commonner.
