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1. **选择合适的盆子:** 选择一个外观漂亮且大小适中的盆子,最好是金属或陶瓷制作的,以便容纳水和摆放装饰物。

2. **准备水:** 把清洁的水倒入盆子中,水应该是干净清澈的,代表财富的流动。

3. **放置财富象征物品:** 在水中放置一些代表财富和吉祥的物品,比如金银元宝、财神爷像、钱币等。这些物品可以通过购买或手工制作来准备。

4. **摆放其他装饰物:** 可以在盆子周围摆放一些绿色植物或者鲜花,以增添生机和活力。

5. **安放在适当的位置:** 将供奉好的聚宝盆放置在家中的财位或者客厅等显眼位置,让它成为家庭的吉祥之物。

6. **定期祭拜:** 定期给聚宝盆加水,并进行简单的祭拜仪式,表达对财富的祈愿和感恩之情。



Be in area of river short for Zhejiang Province, consecrate cornucopia is a kind of traditional custom normally, use invocatory family money flourishing with unripe enthusiasm grand. Generally speaking, consecrate cornucopia needs to prepare a basin, quality of a material of best choice metal or the tub that pottery and porcelain makes, in order to accommodate a certain quantity of water and ornamental. It is the common step of consecrate cornucopia below:

1.** chooses appropriate salver: ** chooses an exterior beautiful and the salver of size moderate, had better metal or pottery and porcelain are made, so that accommodate,water is mixed put ornamental.

2.** prepares water: ** pours clean water into salver, water should be clean and clear, represent the flow of fortune.

3.** places fortune indication to taste: ** places fortune of a few delegates and lucky article in water, for instance father of bullion a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China, mammon resembles, coin. These goodses can prepare through buy or be being made by hand.

4.** puts other ornamental: ** can be all round salver put a few greenery or flower, in order to add opportunity of survival and vigor.

5.** puts in proper place: The cornucopia with good consecrate ** places the money in the home or the conspicuous position such as the sitting room, let it make lucky thing of the family.

6.** fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: ** adds water to cornucopia regularly, undertake simple hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony,

Remember please, consecrate cornucopia is a kind of belief is mixed consuetudinary, respect a tradition and undertake meeting below the circumstance of cherish sincerity more significant.
