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1. 准备一支彩箭,最好是新的,表示干净和祥和。
2. 准备一个供桌或供台,可以在家中的神龛或其他清静处进行。
3. 在供桌上摆放香炉,并点燃香烛,表示尊敬和虔诚。
4. 将彩箭竖立在供桌上,可以用绳子或者红绸等装饰。
5. 可以在供桌前祈祷,表达自己的愿望和祈求,希望得到彩箭的保佑和祝福。
6. 在供桌上摆放一些水果、糖果或其他供品,表示诚心的供养和感恩之心。
7. 最后,心诚诚意地向彩箭祈祷,并表示愿意接受它的庇佑和指引。



When consecrate of arrow of the colour that enrol blessing, need the following measure normally:

1.Prepare arrow of a colour, had better be new, express clean to mix auspicious.
2.Prepare an altar or offer a desk, can be in the home medium shrine or other and quiet place undertake.
3.Censer is put on altar, ignite joss sticks and candles, state respect is mixed devotional.
4.colour arrow erect go up in altar, can use rope red perhaps silken wait for adornment.
5.Can pray before altar, the desire that expresses oneself and invocatory, hope to get colour arrow bless and bless.
6.A few fruits, candy or other offerings are put on altar, represent the sincere heart that make offerings to and is thankful.
7.Finally, heart sincere sincerity ground prays to colour arrow, express to be willing to accept it bless and how-to.

After overfulfil measure, OK good colour arrow consecrate, invocatory it is good that it gives you carry and happiness.
