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1. 准备清洁的供桌或供台,选择一个安静的地方摆放佛像。
2. 在供桌上摆放鲜花、水果、香烛等供品,表示虔诚之心和尊敬。
3. 在佛像前燃香,表达敬意,可以选择传统的沉香或其他香品。
4. 用清水或素酒沐浴佛像,表示洁净心灵之意。
5. 诵经或默念祈愿文,表达对佛的敬仰和祈愿。
6. 定期清洁和维护佛像,保持其清洁和完整。



When figure of Buddha of consecrate kylin prince, want cherish above all devotional, the meaning that respects figure of Buddha and indicative. Common consecrate step includes:

1.Prepare clean altar or offer a desk, choose a quiet place to put figure of Buddha.
2.The offerings such as flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles is put on altar, show devotional heart and respect.
3.Light before figure of Buddha sweet, expressive devoir, can choose traditional agalloch eaglewood or other sweet article.
4.With clear water or figure of Buddha of bath of wine served at a vegetarian feast, express the desire of clean heart.
5.Song classics or silent study invocatory language, those who convey pair of Buddha revere and invocatory.
6.Fixed cleanness and safeguard figure of Buddha, maintain its cleanness and complete.

These measure aim to carry devotional behavior and spirit purify come figure of Buddha of consecrate kylin prince, in order to win the calm on the heart and blessing.
