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1. 客厅:将貔貅放在客厅的主位,如电视柜、茶几或者餐桌的中央位置,可以帮助聚财。

2. 办公室:如果你在家中有一个办公区域,将貔貅放在办公桌上或书架上的财位,有助于增加工作运势和财运。

3. 财位:根据家居的八卦方位,确定财位后将貔貅放在该位置,有助于提升家庭财运。

4. 风水摆放:根据风水学的原则,貔貅应该面向门口,以吸收财气进入家中,但不宜直接对着门口。



Consecrate as mythical wild animal adorn article the basis is normally geomantic learned principle will put. Generally speaking, put a mythical wild animal the money that acting the role of tasted position should be house is in the home, and the place that can attract wealth vital energy to gather. It is below a few put a mythical wild animal act the role of tasted common method:

1.Sitting room: Will a mythical wild animal be put in the sitting room advocate, be like the central position with TV ark, mensal perhaps tea table, can help get together money.

2.The office: If you have an office area in the home, will a mythical wild animal be put on desk or the money on the bookshelf, conduce to increase the job to carry situation and money carry.

3.Money: According to the azimuth of the Eight Diagrams of household, certain money hind will a mythical wild animal put in this position, conduce to carry of promotion household wealth.

4.Geomantic put: The basis is geomantic learned principle, a mythical wild animal should face a doorway, in entering the home in order to absorb money gas, but unfavorable and direct to the doorway.

Put anyhow, should ensure a mythical wild animal put position is neat, decorous, avoid rather he is sundry and jumbly together.
