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1. 准备香烛:在供奉灵牌之前,先准备好香和蜡烛。选择一对纯净的香和蜡烛,并点燃它们。

2. 敬拜祭拜:站在供桌前,合掌虔诚地向灵牌祈祷。可以说出你的愿望或祈祷的内容。

3. 献上供品:在供桌前摆放一些供品,如水果、鲜花或糕点等。这些供品表示你的诚意和尊重。

4. 点香烧烛:将香插在香炉中点燃,然后摆放在供桌前。同样地,将蜡烛点燃,并摆放在供桌两侧。

5. 心诚意真:在供奉灵牌的过程中,心中要虔诚诚信,表达自己的敬意和虔诚。

6. 恭敬退场:供奉完毕后,合掌向灵牌致敬,并小心熄灭香烛,然后恭敬地退场。



The clever card of consecrate cloister needs to follow a few radical move normally:

1.Prepare joss sticks and candles: Before consecrate clever card, get ready first sweet with the candle. Choose a pair pure sweet with the candle, ignite them.

2.Jing Bai hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: Stand before altar, add up to a palm to pray to clever card piously. Can speak your desire or prayer content.

3.Display on offerings: A few offerings are put before altar, wait like fruit, flower or cake. These offerings show your sincerity and respect.

4.The dot is sweet burn candle: Will sweet in be being inserted in censer, ignite, put next before altar. No less, ignite the candle, put in altar two side.

5.Heart sincerity is true: In the process of consecrate clever card, want in the heart devotional sincere letter, the respect that expresses oneself and devotional.

6.Respect exeunts: After consecrate ends, add up to a palm to greet to clever card, extinguish joss sticks and candles carefully, exeunt deferentially next.

These are the basic measure of consecrate clever card, can undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to the individual's belief and habit.
