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1. **祭坛摆放位置:** 祭坛通常放在家中的一个安静、尊重的地方,如客厅、书房或家庭祭祀室。最好选择一个高于地面的位置,以示尊重。

2. **祭坛布置:** 祭坛上通常放置祖先的照片、神像或者牌位。同时可以摆放鲜花、香烛、水果等供品。

3. **摆放次序:** 如果有多位祖先,通常按照年长次序摆放,或者根据家族传统和个人重要性来确定顺序。

4. **清洁整齐:** 祭坛应保持清洁整洁,定期更换供品,保持祭拜的尊重和诚意。

5. **尊重和敬畏:** 在供奉祖先时,要保持内心的虔诚和敬畏之心,这是对祖先最好的表达。



The means of consecrate ancestor because district and family are traditional and differ somewhat, but have a few collective ways normally:

1.** altar puts the position: ** altar is put in place of one of the home quiet, valued normally, if sitting room, study or family are sacred room. Had better choose the place of ground of a prep above, in order to show respect.

2.** altar decorates: The picture that the ancestor sets normally on ** altar, God or memorial tablet. Can put the offerings such as flower, joss sticks and candles, fruit at the same time.

3.** puts order: If ** has many ancestry, put according to old order normally, perhaps decide order according to familial tradition and individual importance.

4.** cleanness is orderly: ** altar should keep clean and neat, change regularly offerings, maintain the esteem that hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to and good faith.

5.** respects and awe-stricken: ** is when consecrate ancestor, what should maintain a heart is devotional with awe-stricken heart, this is best to the ancestor expression.

The most important is, when consecrate ancestor, want to make appropriate arrangement according to familial tradition and individual belief, in order to show the esteem to the ancestor and commemoration day.
