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1. 准备祭品:可以准备一些水果、鲜花、香烛等供品,也可以根据自己的信仰和习俗选择其他适当的物品。

2. 设立祭台:选择一个清净的地方,摆放一个小的祭台或供桌,用于摆放祭品。

3. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,表示尊敬和虔诚。

4. 祈祷致敬:在祭拜过程中,可以默默祈祷或诵读经文,表达敬意和感恩之情。

5. 摆放祭品:将准备好的祭品摆放在祭台上,可以依次摆放,或者根据自己的习惯摆放。

6. 怀着敬畏之心:在供奉过程中,要怀着敬畏之心,虔诚地向天地、祖先和师长祈福。



Consecrate of close division of gentleman of heaven and earth is a kind of traditional ceremony, use at respecting heaven and earth, ancestor and division commander. Generally speaking, the means of consecrate includes the following measure:

1.Plan sacrificial offerings: Can plan the offerings such as a few fruits, flower, joss sticks and candles, also can mix according to oneself belief the article with consuetudinary other and proper choice.

2.Establish desk of hold a memorial ceremony for: Choose a kosher place, put a stage of small hold a memorial ceremony for or credence, use at putting oblation.

3.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, state respect is mixed devotional.

4.Pray greeting: The process is done obeisance to in hold a memorial ceremony for in, can pray silently or chant lection, express devoir and the feeling that be thankful.

5.Put oblation: Put ready oblation go up in stage of hold a memorial ceremony for, OK and ordinal put, perhaps put according to oneself habit.

6.Cherish awe-stricken heart: In consecrate process, want to cherish awe-stricken heart, mix to heaven and earth, ancestor piously blessing of division commander pray.

After overfulfil measure, join a strike with the palm of the hand OK and deferentially, expression kisses the respect of division and devoir to gentleman of heaven and earth.
