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1. **准备神牌:** 将神牌摆放在桌子上,摆放位置要尊重神牌的地位,通常是在桌子的正中央或稍微靠上的位置。

2. **清洁净水:** 准备一碗清净的水,可以用来洗净神牌。

3. **烛台和香炉:** 神牌供奉时常伴有烛光和香火。在神牌旁边放置烛台和香炉,点燃香火。

4. **敬香敬烛:** 在供奉开始前,先点燃香炉和烛台上的香和蜡烛。在点燃时可以念上一些祈愿文或者心中默念祈祷。

5. **三鞠躬九叩首:** 这是表示虔诚和敬意的仪式。首先向神牌鞠躬三次,然后再九次叩首。

6. **献上供品:** 可以准备一些水果、糕点、鲜花等供品,摆放在神牌前,以示诚意。

7. **祷告和祈愿:** 在供奉的过程中,可以默默地或者大声表达心中的祷告和祈愿,请求神明保佑和庇佑。

8. **结束供奉:** 供奉结束后,可以敬献最后的香和烛,表示结束仪式。



Card of god of consecrate Taoist school needs a few ceremonies and note. Above all, choose a kosher place, put a piece of clean antependium. Undertake according to the following measure next:

1.** plans divine card: Divine card puts ** general to go up in the table, put the position to want to respect the place of divine card, it is the midpoint in the table or the position that rely on to go up a little normally.

2.** cleanness clean water: ** prepares a bowl of kosher water, can use abluent god card.

3.** candlestick and censer: Constant companion has consecrate of ** god card candle power and burning incense. Candlestick and censer are placed by divine card, ignite burning incense.

4.** Jing Xiangjing illuminates: ** begins in consecrate before, what ignite censer and candlestick to go up first is sweet with the candle. On a few invocatory language can study when ignite or the silent in the heart reads aloud pray.

5.** 3 bow 9 kowtow head: ** this is to express to be mixed piously the ceremony of devoir. Bow 3 times to divine card above all, kowtow 9 times again next head.

6.** displays on offerings: ** can plan the offerings such as a few fruits, cake, flower, put before divine card, in order to show good faith.

7.** prayer and invocatory: ** is in the process of consecrate, the prayer in perhaps conveying a heart silently aloud and invocatory, request to deities is blessed and bless.

8.** ends consecrate: After ** consecrate ends, can Jing Xian is final sweet with candle, express to end a ceremony.

Card of god of consecrate Taoist school is a kind of devotional behavior, need heart sincerity, esteem deities. In the meantime, the consecrate kind of everybody differs possibly also somewhat, can undertake adjustment according to the individual's belief and habit.
