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1. 准备供奉的场所:选择一个清洁、安静的地方,最好是在你的家中,一个能够专心供奉的角落或神龛。

2. 准备供品:可以准备一些清水、香烛、鲜花、水果或其他食物作为供品。

3. 手洗净手:在供奉前,先洗净双手,以示诚意。

4. 感恩与准备心态:在供奉时,心怀感恩之情,表达对菩萨的敬意和虔诚。

5. 摆放菩萨手牌:将菩萨手牌放在供奉的地方,可以使用一个精美的底座或垫子作为支撑。

6. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,表达虔诚的心意,燃烧的火焰象征着心灵的净化和升华。

7. 洒水供养:用清水洒在手牌上,象征着清净和洁净心灵。

8. 献上供品:将准备好的水果、花朵或其他食物摆放在供桌前,表示对菩萨的供养和敬意。

9. 默念祈祷:在心中默念虔诚的祈祷或念诵佛号,表达对菩萨的敬仰和请求。

10. 虔诚礼拜:以虔诚的心态向菩萨手牌鞠躬或叩首,表示虔诚的敬意和顺从。



When card of consecrate Bodhisattva hand, can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Prepare the site of consecrate: Choose a cleanness, quiet place, had better be to be in your home, can the corner of absorption consecrate or shrine.

2.Plan offerings: Can prepare a few clear water, joss sticks and candles, flower, fruit or other edibles to serve as offerings.

3.The hand washs relieve oneself: Before consecrate, first abluent both hands, in order to show good faith.

4.Be thankful with preparative state of mind: When consecrate, the affection that cherish is thankful, the respect that expresses pair of Bodhisattva and devotional.

5.Put Bodhisattva hand shop sign: Put Bodhisattva hand shop sign in the place of consecrate, can use an elegant base or cushion to regard as prop up.

6.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, express devotional intention, of flaming blaze is indicative heart purify and sublimate.

7.Aspersion makes offerings to: Asperse on hand card with clear water, clean heart of indicative kosher He Jie.

8.Display on offerings: Put ready fruit, flower or other food before altar, show pair of a term applied to a kindhearted person make offerings to and devoir.

9.Silent reads aloud pray: In the heart silent reads aloud devotional prayer or recite Buddha number, those who convey pair of Bodhisattva revere and request.

10.Religious religious service: Bow to Bodhisattva hand card with devotional state of mind or kowtow head, state sincere tribute is mixed compliant.

Above is the measure of card of hand of general consecrate Bodhisattva, can mix according to the individual's belief when consecrate the habit undertakes be adjustmented appropriately.
