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1. 选择一个适当的地点:挑选一个阳光充足、空气流通的地方放置栖木,最好远离直接的空调或暖气。

2. 清洁栖木:定期清洁栖木表面,去除灰尘和杂物,确保栖木表面干燥。

3. 保持湿度:栖木是植物,需要一定的湿度。可以通过喷水或将水碟放在附近,保持周围的环境湿润。

4. 提供适当的光照:栖木需要光合作用来生长,因此要放置在有适当阳光的地方。但要注意,过度暴露在阳光下可能会损害栖木,所以避免长时间的直接阳光照射。

5. 定期施肥:可以每个月给栖木施一次适量的植物肥料,帮助其生长。

6. 定期修剪:栖木生长过程中可能会出现杂乱的枝叶,定期修剪可以保持树形的美观。

7. 关注健康状况:定期检查栖木的叶子、树干和根部,如果发现有虫害或疾病,及时采取措施治疗。

8. 爱护栖木:除了以上措施,还要用心呵护栖木,给予它足够的关爱和关注。


When consecrate perch, can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Select a proper site: The place that chooses a sunny, airiness places perch, had better be far from direct air conditioning or central heating.

2.Clean perch: Surface of fixed and clean perch, purify dirt and sundry, ensure perch surface is dry.

3.Maintain humidity: Perch is a plant, need certain humidity. Can carry gush water or water dish appose, maintain the environment all round wet.

4.Offer proper illumination: Perch needs photosynthesis a future life to grow, because this should be placed,be in the place that has proper sun. But want to notice, excessive expose perch may be damaged below sunshine, avoid long direct sunlight illuminate so.

5.Fertilize regularly: Can every month applies right amount plant fertilizer to perch, help its grow.

6.Fixed clip: Perch grows mixed and disorderly branches and leaves may appear in the process, what fixed clip can carry tree form is beautiful.

7.Pay close attention to healthy state: The leaf that checks perch regularly, truncal with root ministry, if discover insect pest or disease, take measure therapy in time.

8.Cherish perch: Besides above measure, caress perch attentively even, give it adequate care and attention.
