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1. 准备供品:供品可以包括水果、糕点、鲜花、茶叶等。你也可以准备一些五显公喜欢的特别物品,比如五色绸带或者五色丝线。

2. 设立供桌:在家中选择一个安静干净的地方,摆放一张供桌,上面摆放着供品和五显公的画像或像。最好选择一个高处,以示尊敬。

3. 进行供奉仪式:在特定的日子,比如农历初一、十五或者五显公的诞辰日,准备好供品后,点燃香烛,诚心祈祷五显公的保佑。可以默念或者大声祈祷自己的心愿,表达感恩和尊敬之情。

4. 坚持供奉:供奉五显公不仅仅是一次性的仪式,最好能够定期进行,比如每个月的特定日子或者每周一次。坚持供奉可以增进你与五显公之间的联系,并得到更好的保佑。



Consecrate 5 show fair need the following measure normally:

1.Plan offerings: Offerings can include fruit, cake, flower, tea to wait. You also can prepare a few 5 show fair favorite special article, for instance 5 kinds of silken belts or 5 kinds of silk thread.

2.Establish altar: A quiet and clean place chooses in the home, put a piece of credence, putting above offerings and 5 show general picture or resemble. Had better choose an altitude, in order to show respect.

3.Undertake consecrate ceremony: In specific date, for instance at the beginning of the traditional Chinese calendar one, 15 or 5 show fair birthday day, after preparing offerings, ignite joss sticks and candles, sincere desire prays 5 show bless fairly. Silent reads aloud or can pray aloud oneself wish, express the feeling that be thankful and respects.

4.Hold to consecrate: Consecrate 5 show fair it is one-time ceremony not just, best can undertake regularly, for instance the specific date of every month or once a week. Hold to consecrate OK and promotional you and 5 show fair the connection between, it is better to get bless.

Consecrate 5 show fair it is a kind of belief and devotional expression, need heart sincerity is true.
