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1. 准备祭品:通常包括水果、鲜花、香烛、食物等,根据个人或传统的习俗选择。
2. 清洁准备:清洁供奉的场所,确保祭坛或神龛整洁干净。
3. 点燃香烛:在祭坛上点燃香烛,象征着虔诚的敬意和祈祷。
4. 摆放祭品:将准备好的祭品摆放在祭坛前,可以按照特定的排列方式摆放。
5. 祈祷致敬:在摆放好祭品后,默默地或大声祈祷致敬,表达敬意和虔诚。
6. 献上祭品:将祭品献给圣帝老爷,可以将其放在祭坛上或特定的位置。
7. 感恩和祈福:表达感恩之情,祈求圣帝老爷保佑和庇佑自己和家人。



Because the means of lord of consecrate emperor emperor is devotional with the tradition different, but include the following measure commonly:

1.Plan sacrificial offerings: Include fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, food to wait normally, according to individual or traditional consuetudinary choice.
2.Clean preparation: The place of clean consecrate, ensure altar or shrine are shipshape.
3.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Joss sticks and candles is ignited on altar, indicative sincere tribute and pray.
4.Put oblation: Put ready oblation before altar, can according to specific permutation means is put.
5.Pray greeting: After putting good oblation, silent the ground or pray aloud greeting, expressive devoir and devotional.
6.Display on oblation: Give oblation holy emperor lord, can put its on altar or specific place.
7.Be thankful and pray blessing: Express the feeling that be thankful, lord of invocatory emperor emperor is blessed and bless oneself and family.

Those who need an attention is, every area and belief may have different consecrate kind and ceremony, can undertake according to the individual's belief and tradition.
