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1. **选择合适的位置:** 选择一个清净、安静的地方来供奉唐卡画像,最好是远离厨房和卫生间等不洁净的地方。在佛教传统中,最好的位置是在家中的佛堂或特定的祭坛上。

2. **准备供奉台或架子:** 在供奉的位置上放置一个供奉台或架子,用于支撑唐卡画像。这个台子可以是木制的或者是用其他合适的材料制成的。

3. **清洁供奉台:** 在放置唐卡画像之前,确保供奉台是干净整洁的。你可以用清水轻轻擦拭,然后用干布擦干。

4. **准备供品:** 准备一些供品,如清水、鲜花、水果、蜡烛等。这些供品可以摆放在供奉台上,用来表示你的虔诚和敬意。

5. **安放唐卡画像:** 将唐卡画像小心地放置在供奉台上,确保它稳固地立在那里,并且没有受到任何损坏。

6. **进行供奉仪式:** 可以根据个人的信仰和传统进行一些供奉仪式,比如诵经、念佛、点燃香烛等,以示敬意和虔诚。

7. **定期祭拜:** 定期地给唐卡画像供奉,比如每天或每周都可以进行祭拜,以保持对它的敬意和虔诚。



Consecrate the Tang Dynasty blocks a picture to need a few ceremonies and specific environment normally. It is the general move that a few consecrate the Tang Dynasty block a picture below:

1.** chooses proper place: ** chooses a kosher, quiet place to come consecrate the Tang Dynasty blocks a picture, had better be to be far from the not clean place such as kitchen and toilet. In Buddhist tradition, best position is to be on a medium family hall for worshipping Buddha or specific altar.

2.** intends consecrate stage or frame work: ** sets stage of a consecrate or framework in consecrate locally, use at supporting Tang Ka picture. This desk can be ligneous perhaps make with other and right stuff.

3.Stage of ** clean consecrate: ** is in before placing Tang Ka draw a portrait, ensure consecrate stage is clean and neat. You can use clear water to be wiped gently, wipe with dry cloth next.

4.** plans offerings: ** plans a few offerings, wait like clear water, flower, fruit, candle. These offerings can be put go up in consecrate stage, mix piously with what will express you devoir.

5.** puts Tang Ka picture: The picture places ** general Tang Ka carefully to go up in consecrate stage, ensure it stands firm over, and did not get allow why to damage.

6.** undertakes consecrate ceremony: ** can undertake ceremony of a few consecrate according to the individual's belief and tradition, for instance Song classics, pray to Buddha, ignite joss sticks and candles to wait, with showing devoir is mixed devotional.

7.** fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: ** gives Tang Ka regularly picture consecrate, for instance everyday or can undertake hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to every week, mix in order to maintain to its devoir devotional.

Above is the measure of picture of general consecrate Tang Ka, you can be mixed according to your belief the tradition will undertake proper adjustment.
