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1. **左方位置**:传统上认为,将貔貅放在左方可以吸引财富。你可以将其放在门口或者进门后左侧的位置。

2. **高处**:将貔貅放在高处,如书桌上、柜子上或者橱窗上,有助于提升其风水效果。

3. **对正门**:有些人喜欢将貔貅直接对着正门,以迎接财气的进入。

4. **不宜放在卧室**:根据风水学说,貔貅不宜放在卧室,因为它们的能量过于强大,可能影响睡眠质量。



Consecrate as mythical wild animal put the position to need according to individual belief zephyr water decides, but normally a few put way commonly:

1.** of position of ** Zun Fang: Think on the tradition, will a mythical wild animal put leftward to be able to draw money. You can put your in the left position after the doorway perhaps takes the door.

2.** altitude ** : Will a mythical wild animal put pinnacled, go up like desk, cabinet go up or on shopwindow, conduce to promote its geomantic effect.

3.** is right front door ** : Some people like to will a mythical wild animal direct to front door, enter in order to receive what money enrages.

4.** is unfavorable put in bedroom ** : According to geomantic doctrine, a mythical wild animal unfavorable put in the bedroom, because their energy is too powerful, the likelihood affects Morpheus quality.

Anyhow, the be fond of that the most important is him basis and belief will choose to put the position, retain cherish sincerity and respect.
