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1. **供桌**:在家中设立一个供桌,上面摆放观音菩萨的像像、香炉、鲜花、水果、茶水等供品。可以根据个人喜好和家庭传统选择其他供品。

2. **诵经念佛**:每日或定期诵经念佛,可以选择《心经》、《观音经》等经典经文,或者默念观音菩萨的名号:“南无观世音菩萨”。

3. **礼拜祈福**:在供桌前行三礼,表示虔诚的敬意。可以借此时向观音菩萨祈求健康、平安、幸福等。

4. **布施行善**:根据观音菩萨的教导,积极进行布施行善,帮助他人,尽量减少众生的痛苦。

5. **参加法会**:可以参加寺庙或佛教团体举办的法会活动,共同念经礼佛,增进信仰。



Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva gets in buddhism extensive consecrate. Consecrate avalokitesvara can carry the following kind:

1.** altar ** : An altar is established in the home, avalokitesvara a term applied to a kindhearted person puts above resemble, the offerings such as censer, flower, fruit, boiled water. Can choose other offerings according to individual be fond of and domestic tradition.

2.** of pray to Buddha of ** Song classics: Pray to Buddha of classics of daily or fixed Song, can choose " heart classics " , " avalokitesvara classics " wait for classical lection, or the renown mark that silent misses avalokitesvara Bodhisattva: "Bodhisattva of the sound that observe a life is not had south " .

3.** of blessing of ** chapel pray: Salute before altar, show devotional respect. Can borrow wait invocatory health, in safety, happily to avalokitesvara Bodhisattva right now.

4.** of do good works of ** alms giving: According to avalokitesvara Bodhisattva teach, have alms giving do good works actively, help another person, reduce the anguish of all living creatures as far as possible.

5.** ginseng addition meets ** : The way that can play cloister or Buddhist organization to hold is met activity, buddha of ceremony of collective recite scriptures, promotional and devotional.

As a whole, consecrate avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is a kind of devotional behavior, can fit oneself pattern according to individual circumstance and devotional rate option.
