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1. **准备供品**:准备各种供品,包括水果、鲜花、香烛、米饭、茶叶等。供品应该是新鲜的,表示尊重。

2. **清洁**:清洁供奉的地方,确保环境整洁干净。这可以是一个祭坛、桌子或专门的地方。

3. **摆放牌位**:将天地牌位摆放在供奉的地方。通常,天牌位摆在左边,地牌位摆在右边,两者之间留有空间。

4. **点烛祭拜**:点燃香烛,向天地牌位鞠躬,表示敬意和诚意。可以在鞠躬的时候默念祈祷或念诵经文。

5. **供品祭奠**:将准备好的供品摆放在天地牌位前,表示尊敬和感恩。可以将水果、鲜花等摆在供奉桌上。

6. **敬拜**:虔诚地跪拜或鞠躬,向天地牌位表达敬意和祈愿。

7. **祈祷**:在供奉的过程中,可以诚心祈祷,表达对神灵的虔诚和愿望。

8. **清理**:供奉完毕后,清理供奉的地方,将供品处理妥当。



Memorial tablet of consecrate heaven and earth is a kind of traditional ceremony, undertake in family or temple normally. It is common step below:

1.** prepares offerings ** : Plan all sorts of offerings, include fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, rice, tea to wait. Offerings should be fresh, show respect.

2.** clean ** : The place of clean consecrate, ensure the environment is shipshape. This can be an altar, table or special place.

3.** puts memorial tablet ** : Put memorial tablet of heaven and earth the place in consecrate. Normally, day memorial tablet is placed to the left, ground memorial tablet is placed in right, both between stay have a space.

4.** nods candle hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to ** : Ignite joss sticks and candles, bow to memorial tablet of heaven and earth, show devoir and good faith. When can bowing, silent reads aloud to pray or recite lection.

5.** of ** offerings hold a memorial ceremony for: Put ready offerings before memorial tablet of heaven and earth, express to respect and be thankful. Can wait for fruit, flower place on consecrate desk.

6.** of ** Jing Bai: Piously worship on bended knees or bow, to memorial tablet of heaven and earth expressive devoir is mixed invocatory.

7.** prays ** : In the process of consecrate, can pray in earnest, those who convey pair of deities is devotional with the desire.

8.** clears ** : After consecrate ends, clear the place of consecrate, handle offerings appropriate.

Above is the common step of memorial tablet of consecrate heaven and earth, specific ceremony may be mixed because of district religion is devotional and differ somewhat.
