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1. **准备佛像位置:**选择一个安静清净的地方,最好面朝东方或者朝向佛像的方向。清理这个位置,确保它是干净整洁的。

2. **准备供品:**准备一些供品,如水、鲜花、水果、香烛等。这些供品代表着虔诚和敬意。

3. **磕头礼拜:**站在佛像前,合十磕头,表达虔诚和敬意。你可以根据自己的信仰进行一定数量的磕头,一般是三个或九个。

4. **点香上供:**点燃香烛,将其放在供桌上。放上水果、花等供品。在放置供品时,心诚意真地表示敬意。

5. **诵经念佛:**如果你习惯诵经或念佛,可以在供奉时进行。或者你可以默念一些祈愿语,表达自己的心愿。

6. **虔诚祈愿:**闭目静心,虔诚地向观音菩萨祈愿,表达自己的心愿和愿望。可以祈求观音菩萨给予智慧、健康、平安等等。

7. **经常供养:**最好能够每天或者定期地供养观音菩萨,以保持心灵的清净和虔诚。



The figure of Buddha of consecrate avalokitesvara needs a few simple preparation and ceremony normally. Common step is below:

1.** prepares position of figure of Buddha: ** chooses a quiet and kosher place, east of best look out perhaps faces towards the direction of figure of Buddha. Clear this position, ensure it is clean and neat.

2.** plans offerings: ** plans a few offerings, wait like water, flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles. The delegate wears these offerings to be mixed piously devoir.

3.** kowtow chapel: ** stands before figure of Buddha, kowtow of put the palms together, expression is mixed piously devoir. You can undertake a certain quantity of kowtow according to your belief, it is commonly 3 or nine.

4.** dot is sweet offer up a sacrifice: ** ignites joss sticks and candles, put its on altar. Put the offerings such as fruit, flower. When placing offerings, heart sincerity shows respect really.

5.Pray to Buddha of ** Song classics: ** if you are used to Song classics or pray to Buddha, can undertake when consecrate. Or you are OK silent misses a few invocatory sign, express oneself cherished desire.

6.** is devotional and invocatory: ** shuts eye static heart, piously to avalokitesvara Bodhisattva invocatory, express oneself wish and desire. Bodhisattva of OK and invocatory avalokitesvara gives wisdom, healthy, restful etc.

7.** often makes offerings to: ** is best perhaps can make offerings to regularly everyday avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, with maintaining the spirit kosher and devotional.

Consecrate figure of Buddha is the means of a kind of belief and cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine, the most important is a heart sincere.
