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1. 首先,画出花瓶的轮廓,可以是一个倒梯形或者圆筒形状。轮廓可以用直线或者曲线来勾勒。

2. 在花瓶的上部画出一个口,可以是略微向外凸出的圆弧形状。

3. 接着,在花瓶的中间画出花枝的位置,这个部分可以是一些曲线或者直线。

4. 然后,给花瓶的底部增加一些细节,比如一些纹理或者阴影,让花瓶看起来更有质感。

5. 最后,根据需要,你可以在花瓶里画一些花朵或者其他装饰物,让整幅画更加生动。



The method that draws a vase has a lot of kinds, specific depend on the style that you want and expressional form. Generally speaking, you can draw a simple vase according to the following measure:

1.Above all, the picture gives the rough sketch of the vase, can be one pours echelon or cylinder appearance. Outline can be used linear or the curve will draw the outline of.

2.In the upside of the vase the picture gives mouth, can be the circular arc appearance with outward and bulgy appreciably.

3.Then, the seat of beautiful branch gives in the intermediate picture of the vase, this part can be a few curves linear perhaps.

4.Next, the floor that gives a vase adds a few detail, for instance a few grain or shadow, let a vase have qualitative feeling more it seems that.

5.Finally, according to need, you can draw a few flower in the vase other perhaps ornamental, make whole picture more vivid.

Remember, brushwork is an art, can be created according to oneself be fond of and imagination, so need not constrained at specific measure, be developed to the top of one's bent!
