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1. **准备供品**:准备一些香、花、水果、糖果或其他食物作为供品。
2. **准备场所**:选择一个安静清洁的地方,可以是佛龛、供桌或者任何你认为合适的地方。
3. **清洁**:清洁供奉的地方,确保表面干净整洁。
4. **点香**:点燃香火,表达虔诚之心。
5. **供品摆放**:将准备好的供品摆放在供奉的地方,可以按照心意布置。
6. **念经礼拜**:可以诵经、念佛或者默念心中的祈愿。
7. **恭敬合十**:双手合十,表示恭敬和虔诚。
8. **心诚祷告**:表达自己的愿望和祈祷。



Means of consecrate of small copper Buddha because of the person different, can decide normally according to the individual's belief and habit. Generally speaking, buddha of consecrate small copper can undertake according to the following measure:

1.** prepares offerings ** : Prepare a few sweet, flowers, fruit, candy or other edibles to serve as offerings.
2.** prepares spatial ** : Choose the place of a quiet cleanness, can be niche for a statue of Buddha, altar or any you think proper place.
3.** clean ** : The place of clean consecrate, ensure the surface is clean and neat.
4.** nods sweet ** : Ignite burning incense, convey devotional heart.
5.** offerings puts ** : Put ready offerings the place in consecrate, can decorate according to intention.
6.** of chapel of ** recite scriptures: Can Song classics, pray to Buddha or silent reads aloud a heart medium invocatory.
7.** of ** deferential put the palms together: Both hands put the palms together, state respect is mixed devotional.
8.** heart sincere prayer ** : The desire that expresses oneself and pray.

The means of Buddha of consecrate small copper is OK because of the person different, the most important is sincere respect, the heart with devotional expression can.
