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1. **祭拜仪式:** 在特定的日期或者个人心愿需要时,可以进行祭拜仪式,包括燃香、献花、上香等。这些仪式可能在家庭中进行,也可能在寺庙或神庙里进行。

2. **供奉物品:** 米娘娘供奉的物品通常包括水果、糕点、糖果、香烛等。这些物品代表着虔诚和敬意,被放置在供桌或祭坛上。

3. **祈祷和礼拜:** 供奉米娘娘的同时,人们通常会进行祈祷和礼拜,表达对其庇佑和祝福的愿望。

4. **捐赠和慈善:** 有些人认为通过捐赠和慈善行为也是供奉米娘娘的一种方式,以回馈社会并取得善缘。



The rice empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of consecrate Thailand has a lot of different kind, depend on the individual's belief and tradition. Generally speaking, the means of consecrate rice empress or imperial concubine of the first rank may include the following:

1.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: ** is in specific date or when individual wish needs, can undertake hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony, include to light sweet, present a flower, on sweet etc. These ceremonies may undertake in the family, undertake possibly also in cloister or fane.

2.** consecrate article: The article of consecrate of ** rice empress or imperial concubine of the first rank includes fruit, cake, candied, joss sticks and candles to wait normally. The delegate wears these article to be mixed piously devoir, be placed to be on altar or altar.

3.** prays and week: Empress or imperial concubine of the first rank of ** consecrate rice while, people can undertake prayer mixing normally week, express the desire that bless to its and blesses.

4.** donates and beneficent: ** some people think to be mixed through donating a kind of means that beneficent behavior also is consecrate rice empress or imperial concubine of the first rank, gain edge of be apt to in order to pass on a society.

These are a few familiar pattern only, because area, tradition and individual are used to and the way that offers the empress or imperial concubine of the first rank that give rice actually differs somewhat.
