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1. **高度位置**:画像的中心最好与观看者的眼睛高度相近,这样观看时会更加舒适自然。

2. **光线**:选择光线明亮但不刺眼的位置,避免阳光直射或者灯光过强,以防止画像受损。

3. **背景**:选择一个简洁而不杂乱的背景,可以使用壁挂或者布艺背景来突出画像的主题。

4. **配饰**:可以在画像周围搭配一些装饰物,比如花瓶、香炉或者蜡烛等,但要注意不要过多,以免影响画像的视觉效果。

5. **清洁保养**:定期清洁画框和画像,保持其清晰和光亮。



When consecrate picture, want to choose a proper place above all, it is the clear position that is in a room normally, for instance sitting room or the family is sacred stage. Next, choose a beautiful frame, had better match with the style of the picture and dimension photograph. When putting a picture, can consider the following:

1.** of ** height position: The center of the picture is best the eye height close with the person that watch, the meeting when such watching is more comfortable and natural.

2.** light ** : Choice light is bright but not the position of dazzling, prevent sun point-blank or lamplight is too strong, be damaged in order to prevent a picture.

3.** setting ** : Choose a concise and not mixed and disorderly setting, can use hanging or the theme that cloth art setting will come to highlight a picture.

4.** deserves to act the role of ** : Can be all round the picture a few tie-inner ornamental, for instance vase, censer or the candle, but should notice not overmuch, lest affect the visual result of the picture.

5.** cleanness maintains ** : Fixed and clean frame and picture, retain its clarity and brightness.

The most important is, consecrate picture is a kind of devotional behavior, heart sincere clever. When consecrate picture, cherish is awe-stricken with the affection that be thankful, this ability is the most important.
