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1. 祭拜:在特定的日子,比如农历的特定日子或者个人重要的日子,可以准备香烛、鲜花、水果等物品,摆放在神龛或者特定的地方,然后虔诚地祭拜。

2. 祈祷:在供奉本命元帅的时候,可以虔诚地祈祷,表达对本命元帅的敬意和请求保佑的心愿。

3. 奉献:可以奉献一些特别的物品或者行为,比如捐赠善款、做一些公益活动等,以表达对本命元帅的虔诚和感激之情。

4. 心诚则灵:无论采取何种方式,最重要的是要心诚,只有真诚的心才能感动本命元帅,得到他的庇佑和保佑。


This life marshal can pass consecrate the means of a few traditions will undertake, for instance:

1.Hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: In specific date, for instance the specific date of the traditional Chinese calendar or the individual's important time, can prepare the article such as joss sticks and candles, flower, fruit, put in the place with specific perhaps shrine, next piously hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to.

2.Pray: In consecrate this life marshal when, can pray piously, express the cherished desire that the devoir of this pair of life marshal and request bless.

3.Consecratory: OK and a few more consecratory special article or behavior, donate money of be apt to for instance, do activity of a few commonweal to wait, in order to convey this pair of life marshal mix piously appreciative sentiment.

4.Heart sincere clever: Why to no matter adopt,plant means, the most important is to want a heart sincere, only genuine heart ability touchs this life marshal, get him bless and bless.
