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1. **选择合适的地点:** 在家中或特定的祭坛上选择一个清洁、安静的地方来供奉神位。

2. **准备供品:** 准备一些供品,如水果、鲜花、烛台、香炉等。你也可以根据个人喜好选择其他供品。

3. **布置神位:** 将供品摆放在供奉朽木的神位前。可以用一块干净的布覆盖神位,以示尊重。

4. **祈祷和献礼:** 在心中默念祈祷,表达敬意并向朽木神献上供品。可以用一根点燃的香或烛火代表祈祷的火种。

5. **保持虔诚心态:** 在供奉的过程中保持专注和虔诚的心态,表达诚挚的敬意和感恩之情。



God of consecrate a hopeless case means because of the person different, include the following measure normally:

1.** selects appropriate site: ** is in the home or the place with a cleanness, quiet choice on specific altar comes consecrate god.

2.** plans offerings: ** plans a few offerings, wait like fruit, flower, candlestick, censer. You also can choose other offerings according to individual be fond of.

3.** decorates a god: ** puts offerings the mind in consecrate a hopeless case before. Can enclothe a god with a clean cloth, in order to show respect.

4.** prays and tribute: ** reads aloud in the silent in the heart pray, express respect and display to god of a hopeless case on offerings. Can ignite with sweet or the kindling that candlelight delegate prays.

5.** maintains devotional state of mind: ** keeps dedicated in the process of consecrate with devotional state of mind, express sincere tribute and the feeling that be thankful.

The consecrate means of everybody may differ somewhat, but the key depends on sincere desire and devoir.
