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1. **选择合适的画像**: 选择一张清晰、肖像性强的画像,最好是以被供奉的人物为主题的肖像。

2. **准备供奉场所**: 在一个清洁、安静的地方为画像设立一个专用的供奉台或神龛,可以在家中的祭坛或特定的空间中设置。

3. **摆放画像**: 将选定的画像放置在供奉台或神龛上,可以用烛台、鲜花或其他装饰物来装点。

4. **献上供品**: 根据个人的信仰和习惯,可以摆放一些供品,比如鲜花、水果、食物或香炉。这些供品可以代表着对被供奉者的尊敬和敬意。

5. **祷告或冥想**: 在供奉画像的时候,可以默念祷文或进行冥想,表达对被供奉者的敬意、感谢或祈福之意。

6. **保持清洁和尊重**: 定期清洁供奉的画像和供奉台,保持供奉场所的整洁和清静。对被供奉者保持尊重和虔诚的心态。



The means of consecrate picture has a lot of kinds, specific depend on the belief of the object that you adore and individual. Generally speaking, the character of consecrate picture can follow the following move:

1.** chooses appropriate picture ** : Choose the picture with strong sex of a piece of clarity, effigies, had better be the effigies with be being given priority to to inscribe by the character of consecrate.

2.** prepares consecrate place ** : Clean, quiet in place establishs stage of an appropriative consecrate or shrine for the picture, can install in the altar in the home or specific space.

3.** puts picture ** : Place the draw a portrait of make choice of go up in consecrate stage or shrine, can come with candlestick, flower or other ornamental deck.

4.** displays on offerings ** : According to the individual's belief and habit, can put a few offerings, for instance flower, fruit, food or censer. These offerings can be represented right by consecrate person respect and devoir.

5.** prayer or contemplative ** : In consecrate picture when, silent reads aloud prayer or can undertake contemplative, expression is right by consecrate person the meaning of devoir, acknowledgment or pray blessing.

6.** maintains cleanness and esteem ** : The picture of fixed and clean consecrate and consecrate stage, those who hold consecrate place is neat and quiet. Right by consecrate person maintain esteem and devotional state of mind.

These are common step only, particular consecrate way is possible still because of individual belief, religion or culture setting differ somewhat.
