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1. 祈祷和瞻仰:在特定的时间和地点,向世界树神祈祷,表达敬意和感恩之情。你可以在祈祷时使用献上的花朵、香烛或其他物品。

2. 祭品献上:将水果、鲜花、粮食或其他物品摆放在神龛或特定的祭坛上,表示你的敬意和奉献之情。在献上祭品时,要以虔诚的心态进行。

3. 仪式和庆典:参加或组织与世界树神相关的仪式和庆典,以集体的方式表达对神灵的敬意和感恩之情。这些仪式可以包括舞蹈、音乐、朗诵或其他形式的表演。

4. 保护自然环境:世界树通常象征着自然界的生命和力量,因此保护环境也是对世界树神的一种供奉。积极参与环境保护活动,保护树木和森林等自然资源。



Consecrate world hamadryad can pass a variety of means to undertake, this depends on the religion of your place belief or tradition. Generally speaking, you can choose one of the following methods:

1.Pray and look with reverence: In specific time and place, pray to world hamadryad, express devoir and the feeling that be thankful. You can be used when pray offer the flower that go up, joss sticks and candles or other goods.

2.Oblation displays on: Put fruit, flower, commissariat or other goods go up in shrine or specific altar, express your devoir and consecratory feeling. In display on when oblation, want to undertake with devotional state of mind.

3.Ceremony and celebration: Attend or organize the ceremony related to world hamadryad and celebration, express the devoir to deities and the feeling that be thankful with collective means. These ceremonies can include the performance of dancing, music, reading or other form.

4.Protect environment: World tree is symbolizing normally the life of nature and force, because this protects retaining ring area,also be a kind of consecrate of pair of world hamadryad. Take an active part in environmental protection activity, protect the rich such as tree and forest.

No matter you choose which kinds of way, want to treat world hamadryad with sincerity and awe-stricken state of mind, respect tradition and devotional norm.
