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1. 准备供品:供奉太公菩萨时,可以准备一些鲜花、水果、糕点、茶水等供品。这些供品可以代表虔诚和尊敬。

2. 设立供桌:选择一个清净的地方,摆放一张供桌,上面可以摆放着供品。可以在供桌上放置太公菩萨的像像或者画像,以及一对香炉。

3. 点香祈祷:点燃香炉,然后将香插入香炉中,表示虔诚的敬意。在点香的同时,可以默念或诵读经文,表达虔诚的祈祷之情。

4. 献供:将准备好的供品摆放在供桌上,并将心中的虔诚之情献给太公菩萨。可以轻轻地合十,表达恭敬之意。

5. 虔诚祈愿:在供奉的过程中,可以向太公菩萨祈愿,祈求平安、健康、幸福等。

6. 诚心感恩:在供奉结束后,表达对太公菩萨的感恩之情,感谢其庇佑和保佑。



Consecrate great-grandfather Bodhisattva includes the following measure normally:

1.Plan offerings: When consecrate great-grandfather Bodhisattva, can plan the offerings such as a few flowers, fruit, cake, boiled water. These offerings can be represented mix piously respect.

2.Establish altar: Choose a kosher place, put a piece of credence, there can be offerings above. Can resemble in what great-grandfather a term applied to a kindhearted person lays on altar resemble or picture, and a pair of censer.

3.The dot is sweet pray: Ignite censer, next will sweet in inserting censer, show devotional respect. While the dot is sweet, can silent reads aloud or chant lection, express the feeling of devotional prayer.

4.Display for: Put ready offerings go up in altar, give the religious feeling in the heart great-grandfather Bodhisattva. Can gently put the palms together, express deferential desire.

5.Devotional and invocatory: In the process of consecrate, can to great-grandfather Bodhisattva invocatory, wait invocatory and in safety, healthily, happily.

6.Sincere desire is thankful: After consecrate ends, express the be thankful feeling of pair of great-grandfather Bodhisattva, acknowledgment its bless and bless.

These are the basic measure of consecrate great-grandfather Bodhisattva, but specific ceremony and consuetudinary likelihood because of district and devotional genre differ somewhat.
