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1. 准备供品:可以准备一些香、花、水果、米饭、茶水等作为供品,以表达虔诚和敬意。

2. 设置供桌:在供桌上摆放供品,可以使用美观的碗盘或容器,也可以摆放一些泽渡金的图像或雕塑。

3. 点香拜拜:点燃香火,合十拜神,表达诚心祈愿和敬意。

4. 念经礼佛:可以诵读佛经或祈祷文,以求得泽渡金的庇佑和加持。

5. 维护清洁:定期清理供桌和更换供品,保持供奉的环境清洁整洁。



Lustre crossing gold is a kind of deities in buddhism, normally consecrate is in the domestic shrine of cloister or individual. The method that consecrate lustre crosses gold can be mixed because of individual belief traditional and differ somewhat, but general consecrate pattern includes:

1.Plan offerings: Can prepare a few sweet, flowers, fruit, rice, boiled water to wait as offerings, mix in order to convey piously devoir.

2.Install altar: Offerings is put on altar, can use beautiful bowl dish or container, also can put a few lustre the image that crosses gold or sculpture.

3.Nod Xiangbaibai: Ignite burning incense, put the palms together does obeisance to a god, expressive sincere desire is invocatory with devoir.

4.Buddha of recite scriptures ceremony: Can chant sutra or pray prayer, in order to get lustre cross gold bless and add hold.

5.Safeguard cleanness: Clear regularly altar and change offerings, the environmental cleanness that maintains consecrate is neat.

As a whole, consecrate lustre crosses gold is a kind of devotional devotional behavior, be in again heart sincere clever.
