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1. 找到一个合适的地方:通常选择在家中的一个安静、清洁的地方供奉土地菩萨,可以是厅堂、客厅、神龛等地方。

2. 准备供品:供品可以包括水果、花香、香烛、米粮等,表示对土地菩萨的尊敬和感恩之意。

3. 准备供桌:在供奉的地方摆放一张供桌,上面摆放供品,并可以放置一尊土地菩萨像或者图片。

4. 点燃香烛:在供奉时点燃香烛,表示虔诚的心意。

5. 念诵经文:可以念诵一些经文或者祈福文,表达对土地菩萨的虔诚和祈愿。

6. 定期供养:最好能够定期进行供养,表达对土地菩萨的持久尊敬。



Consecrate land Bodhisattva can be mixed according to traditional custom the individual differs devotionally and change somewhat, but common practice is as follows:

1.Find a proper place: A term applied to a kindhearted person of local consecrate land that selects quiet in one of the home, cleanness normally, can be the place such as hall hall, sitting room, shrine.

2.Plan offerings: Offerings can include fruit, flower grain of sweet, joss sticks and candles, rice, express the respect of pair of land Bodhisattva and the desire that be thankful.

3.Prepare altar: A piece of credence is put in the place of consecrate, offerings is put above, can place one honour land Bodhisattva resembles or picture.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Joss sticks and candles is ignited when consecrate, show devotional regard.

5.Recite lection: Can recite a few lection or pray blessing article, those who convey pair of land Bodhisattva is devotional and invocatory.

6.Make offerings to regularly: Best can undertake making offerings to regularly, express the abiding respect of pair of land Bodhisattva.

These are the methods of average consecrate land a term applied to a kindhearted person only, particular way is OK still the belief according to the individual and tradition are consuetudinary undertake adjustment.
