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1. **设立香案**:在家中或寺庙中设立专门的香案,摆放钟馗像或画像,上面放上鲜花、水果、香烛等供品。

2. **祭拜祈求**:定期或特殊时刻,如农历初一、十五或节日,烧香祭拜钟馗,向其祈求保佑平安、消灾解难。

3. **诚心祈祷**:心诚则灵,可以默念或朗诵钟馗的经文或祷文,表达虔诚的祈愿和敬意。

4. **捐赠慈善**:以钟馗的名义捐赠给寺庙或慈善机构,作为供养,以积德行善。

5. **传承文化**:通过学习钟馗的故事、传说,传承其精神和价值观,尊重历史文化。



Consecrate bell thoroughfares can undertake according to the individual's belief and habit, can take the following kinds of kind commonly:

1.** establishs ** of incense burner table: Be in the home or special incense burner table is established in cloister, put Zhong Kui resembling or picture, the offerings such as flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles is put above.

2.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to invocatory ** : Fixed or special hour, be like the traditional Chinese calendar first one, 15 or festival, hold a memorial ceremony for of burn joss sticks does obeisance to Zhong Kui,

3.** sincere desire prays ** : Heart sincere clever, silent reads aloud or can read aloud Zhong Kui's lection or prayer, expression is devotional invocatory with devoir.

4.** donates beneficent ** : Donate cloister or beneficent orgnaization with Zhong Kui's name, as make offerings to, in order to accumulate heart do good works.

5.** of ** inheritance culture: Through learning Zhong Kui's story, fokelore, inheritance its spirit and viewpoint of value, respect historical culture.

No matter choose why to be planted,means consecrate bell thoroughfares, should heart sincere sincerity, holding in the arms awe-stricken undertake with devotional state of mind.
