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1. **准备容器**:选择一个容器来装载宠物的骨灰,可以是一个专门设计的小盒子或瓶子,也可以是你认为合适的其他容器。

2. **选择合适的地点**:选择一个特殊的地方,可能是你家里的一个角落、花园中的一处或者宠物特别喜欢的地方。

3. **准备仪式**:可以根据自己的信仰或者宗教选择合适的仪式。这可能包括点燃蜡烛、献上花束、念诵祝福或者静默祷告。

4. **供奉骨灰**:将宠物的骨灰放入选择的容器中,你可以在这个过程中表达你的感情和回忆。

5. **祈祷或思念**:在宠物骨灰的供奉仪式中,你可以表达你的祈祷、祝福或者思念,向宠物表达你的爱和感激。

6. **放置容器**:将装有宠物骨灰的容器放置在你选择的地点,并确保它安全、尊重和令人安心。



Consecrate pet ashes of the dead comes home is a kind special and the ceremony of personification. You can undertake according to the following measure:

1.** prepares container ** : Choose a container to lade the ashes of the dead of pet, can be the caddy of a special design or bottle, also can be you think appropriate other container.

2.** chooses appropriate place ** : Choose a special place, the likelihood is a corner in your home, garden is medium be in or the place that pet likes particularly.

3.** prepares ceremonial ** : Can the belief according to oneself or the ceremony with religious right choice. This may include to ignite the candle, display on bouquet, recite bless or become silent is devotional.

4.** of ** consecrate ashes of the dead: Put the ashes of the dead of pet into the container of the choice, you can convey your feeling and memory in this process.

5.** prays or long for ** : In the consecrate ceremony of pet ashes of the dead, you can convey your prayer, blessing to perhaps be longed for, love and appreciate what convey you to pet.

6.** places container ** : Place the recipient of pet ashes of the dead the site that selects in you, ensure its safety, esteem sets his mind at with your person.

This process is special personification, you can adjust ceremonial detail and measure according to the need of oneself and pet.
