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1. **准备神位牌**:选择一块清洁的木板或者其他材料,大小适中,用以供奉神明。可以根据个人喜好和传统习惯进行装饰。

2. **准备神像或图片**:根据所供奉的神明,准备一个神像或者图片,代表着神明的形象。可以是雕塑、画像或打印的图片。

3. **准备供品**:根据传统,准备一些供品,如水、酒、水果、糖果、香等,以供奉神明。

4. **摆放神像**:将神像或者图片摆放在神位牌的中央,面向房间的主要方向。

5. **摆放供品**:将准备好的供品摆放在神像前,以示虔诚。

6. **诚心祈祷**:站在神位前,诚心祈祷,表达对神明的尊敬、感谢和祈愿。

7. **定期供奉**:根据传统,定期或者在特殊的节日里供奉神明,以示虔诚和尊敬。



Keep consecrate mind because the means of the card is devotional with the tradition different, but common practice includes the following measure:

1.** preparation is magical a card ** : The board that chooses a cleanness is other perhaps material, size moderate, deities of consecrate of in order to. Can undertake decorating according to individual be fond of and traditional habit.

2.** prepares God or picture ** : According to the deities of place consecrate, prepare a God or picture, representing the form of deities. Can be sculpture, picture or printed picture.

3.** prepares offerings ** : The ground is traditional, plan a few offerings, be like water, wine, fruit, candied, sweet etc, with consecrate deities.

4.** puts God ** : God or the picture is put in the god in the center of the card, face the main way of the room.

5.** puts offerings ** : Put ready offerings before God, in order to show devotional.

6.** sincere desire prays ** : Stand in the god before, sincere desire prays, the respect that expresses pair of deities, acknowledgment and invocatory.

7.** of ** fixed consecrate: The ground is traditional, perhaps be regularly in special red-letter day consecrate deities, mix in order to show piously respect.

Above is general consecrate god the measure of the card, particular way can undertake adjustment according to the individual's belief and tradition.
