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1. 选择一个安静祥和的地方,可以是家里的祭祀台、祠堂,或者一个专门的祭坛。
2. 准备一张干净的桌子或祭坛,将亡人的照片放在桌子的中央位置,照片的下方可以摆放一些鲜花或香炉。
3. 在照片旁边摆放一些亡者喜爱的物品,比如喜爱的食物、饮料、烛台等,以示尊敬和纪念。
4. 点燃香烛,为亡者祈福。可以选择香炉中插上香,或者点燃蜡烛,代表着对逝去亲人的思念和祝福。
5. 进行祷告或诵经,表达对逝去亲人的哀思和祝福。你可以根据自己的信仰和习惯选择合适的祷文或经文。
6. 经过一段时间后,可以将照片收起或放回原处,然后把祭台清理干净,以便下一次的祭祀。



Consecrate dies the sacred means that person photo is a kind of tradition, use at commemorating deceased family member or ancestor normally. You can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Choose a quiet and auspicious place, can be the sacred stage in the home, ancestral temple, or a special altar.
2.Prepare a piece of clean table or altar, will die the central position that the person's photograph puts in the table, the lower part of the photograph can put a few flowers or censer.
3.The goods that a few person that die love is put by the photograph, the food that likes for instance, beverage, candlestick, in order to show respect and commemoration day.
4.Ignite joss sticks and candles, it is blessing of pray of the person that die. Can insert in choice censer on sweet, perhaps ignite the candle, representing the longing to parting family member and blessing.
5.Have prayer or Song classics, convey the grief of pair of parting family members and blessing. You can be mixed according to your belief the prayer with habitual right choice or lection.
6.After passing period of time, can pack up the photograph or replace is in formerly, clear stage of hold a memorial ceremony for clean next, so that the next time sacred.

Remember, consecrate dies person photo is one kind expresses the kind of devoir of pair of parting family member and yearning, can undertake be adjusted appropriately and metabolic according to the individual's belief and habit.
