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1. **清洁与摆放**:首先确保佛像表面干净,可以用柔软的布轻轻擦拭。然后选择一个恰当的位置摆放,确保光线柔和,不要直接照射在佛像上。

2. **供奉台**:选择一个美观的供奉台或底座,最好选择素雅的颜色,避免与佛像本身的色彩相冲突。

3. **配件搭配**:在佛像周围摆放一些配件,如鲜花、香炉、烛台等,选择与佛像相得益彰的配件,营造出一种和谐的氛围。

4. **背景布置**:在佛像背后挂上一块干净素雅的布或者挂毯,使佛像与背景相得益彰,突出佛像的神圣感。

5. **虔诚心态**:供奉佛像时,心态要虔诚,表达对佛的尊敬和敬意,这样也会让整个供奉场景更加庄严肃穆。



Should let consecrate of figure of Buddha of the centre of the palm good-looking, can consider the following:

1.** cleanness and put ** : Ensure surface of figure of Buddha is clean above all, can use soft cloth to be wiped gently. Choose a proper place to put next, ensure the light is downy, not direct illuminate is on figure of Buddha.

2.** of ** consecrate stage: Choose a beautiful consecrate stage or base, had better choose the color of simple but elegant, avoid the color with itself of figure of Buddha afoul.

3.** of ** fittings collocation: In a few fittings are put all round figure of Buddha, wait like flower, censer, candlestick, select a replacement with bring out the best in each other of figure of Buddha, build the atmosphere that gives a kind of tune.

4.** setting decorates ** : The cloth that registers a clean unadorned and in good taste in backside of figure of Buddha or arras, make figure of Buddha and setting bring out the best in each other, stress the divine feeling of figure of Buddha.

5.** of ** devotional state of mind: When consecrate figure of Buddha, state of mind wants devotional, express the respect to Buddha and respect, also can make whole consecrate setting more majestic and solemn and respectful so.

The place on put together is narrated, clean, put, fittings collocation, setting is decorated and devotional state of mind is to let consecrate of figure of Buddha of the centre of the palm get more good-looking key.
