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1. **选择合适的位置:** 首先,选择一个安静、清洁的地方供奉文昌帝像。最好是在书房或学习区域,以示尊重知识和学业。

2. **准备供品:** 准备一些供奉的物品,如水、鲜花、水果、香烛等。这些供品是用来表示敬意和感恩之情的。

3. **布置供桌:** 在选择的位置摆放供桌或供龛,用于放置文昌帝像和供品。可以在供桌上铺上红色或金色的布以示尊贵。

4. **安放文昌帝像:** 将文昌帝像放置在供桌上,最好是面朝正北或者面向主要的学习方向。可以选择一尊小型的文昌帝像或者画像来供奉。

5. **点燃香烛:** 点燃香烛,表达对文昌帝的尊敬和祈愿。你可以使用龙眼香或者其他你喜欢的香味。

6. **摆放供品:** 将准备好的水果、鲜花等供品摆放在供桌上,表示诚心的供养和祈愿。

7. **诵读祈祷:** 在心中默念或者大声诵读一些祈祷文,表达你的愿望和祈求。可以祈求学业进步、智慧增长等。

8. **保持敬意:** 在供奉文昌帝像期间,保持内心的平静和敬意,认真对待每一次供奉,以求得最好的效果。



Emperor of consecrate article prosperous resembles needing a few basic measure and goods normally. You can undertake according to the following measure:

1.** chooses proper place: ** above all, wen Changdi resembles the local consecrate that chooses a quiet, cleanness. Had better be in study or study section, in order to show esteem knowledge and school work.

2.** plans offerings: ** prepares the article of a few consecrate, wait like water, flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles. These offerings are to use those who express devoir and the feeling that be thankful.

3.** decorates altar: ** puts credence in the position of the choice or offer niche, use at placing Wen Changdi to resemble mixing offerings. Can go up in altar upper berth red or aureate cloth in order to show exalted.

4.** puts Wen Changdi to resemble: Resembling of the Supreme Being places ** Jiang Wenchang to go up in altar, had better be look out north perhaps faces main study way. Can choose one honour diminutive Wen Changdi resembles or the picture comes consecrate.

5.** ignites joss sticks and candles: ** ignites joss sticks and candles, the respect that expresses pair of Wen Changdi and invocatory. You can use longan sweet other perhaps the sweet smell that you like.

6.** puts offerings: ** puts the offerings such as ready fruit, flower go up in altar, express sincere desire make offerings to and invocatory.

7.** chant prays: ** reads aloud loud perhaps chant in the silent in the heart prayer of a few pray, the desire that expresses you and invocatory. Growth of progress of OK and invocatory school work, wisdom.

8.** retains respect: ** resembles in emperor of consecrate article prosperous during, retain inner calm and respect, treat every time consecrate seriously, in order to get best result.

Above is the basic measure that emperor of prosperous of general consecrate article resembles, you can undertake proper adjustment according to your actual condition and belief.
