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1. 准备供品:包括水果、糖果、酒等。一般来说,香烛、金银纸和一些代表财富的物品也是必备的。

2. 准备供桌:在一个清洁的地方摆放一张桌子,然后将供品摆放在桌子上,供品的摆放要整齐。

3. 点香:在供桌上点上香,燃烧香烟是供奉神灵的一种方式。

4. 祈祷:在心中默念或大声祈祷,表达对喜财神的敬意,并祈求他给予财富和好运。

5. 献供:将准备好的供品摆放在供桌上,表示虔诚地奉献给喜财神。

6. 祭拜:合十鞠躬,表达对喜财神的敬意和感恩之情。



Be fond of mammon is to pass the following measure to come normally of consecrate:

1.Plan offerings: Include fruit, candied, wine to wait. Generally speaking, paper of joss sticks and candles, bullion and the article of a few delegate fortune also are necessary.

2.Prepare altar: In clean place puts a piece of table, put offerings next go up in the table, of offerings put should orderly.

3.The dot is sweet: Sweet on the dot on altar, combustion cigarette is a kind of means of consecrate deities.

4.Pray: In the heart silent reads aloud or pray aloud, express the respect to be fond of mammon, invocatory he grants fortune become reconciled motion.

5.Display for: Put ready offerings go up in altar, express to dedicate to be fond of mammon piously.

6.Hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: Put the palms together bows, express the devoir to be fond of mammon and the feeling that be thankful.

These are the basic measure of mammon of consecrate happy event, can make according to the individual's habit and belief a few adjust.
