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1. 准备祭品:通常包括水果、糕点、酒水、烧香等。可以根据家族传统和个人喜好选择合适的祭品。

2. 摆放祭品:在祖先灵位前摆放准备好的祭品,可以按照一定的次序和布局,以示尊重。

3. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,表示尊敬和祈祷。通常是点燃一对香,代表对祖先的尊重和祝福。

4. 祷告祭文:可以朗诵祖先祭文或者默念祷告,表达对祖先的思念和敬意,祈求祖先保佑后人平安幸福。

5. 祭拜敬酒:倒上一杯清水或酒,祭拜祖先,表达对祖先的尊敬和怀念之情。

6. 敬拜磕头:根据个人习俗,可以跪拜或磕头,表示对祖先的虔诚敬意。



The spirit of consecrate ancestor the culture ceremony that is a kind of tradition, can undertake through the following measure:

1.Plan sacrificial offerings: Include water of fruit, cake, wine, burn joss sticks to wait normally. Can choose appropriate oblation according to familial tradition and individual be fond of.

2.Put oblation: In ancestral spirit before put ready oblation, can mix according to certain sequence layout, in order to show respect.

3.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, express to respect and pray. It is to ignite a pair normally sweet, represent the esteem to the ancestor and blessing.

4.Devotional funeral oration: Can read aloud ancestral funeral oration or silent reads aloud prayer, express the longing to the ancestor and respect, invocatory ancestor blesses later generations restful happiness.

5.Wine of Bai Jing of hold a memorial ceremony for: Pour on one cup of clear water or wine, hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to an ancestor, express the feeling of the respect to the ancestor and yearning.

6.Jing Bai kowtow: According to the individual consuetudinary, can worship on bended knees or kowtow, show the devotional respect to the ancestor.

After the ceremony of ancestor of the consecrate that finish, can leave period of time to let oblation consecrate, clear away oblation next orderly, in order to show devoir and respect.
